Writing a speculative cover letter


If you are searching for a job and are interested in a specific company or industry it may be worthwhile writing a speculative cover letter. This is when you write to a company asking if there are any upcoming job opportunities. 

Writing to a company to express your interest in working for them and asking if there are any vacancies matching your skills and experience may just help you get your foot in the door. After all, even if there are not any current vacancies they may keep you in mind for future job openings. 

Like any cover letter this should be: 

  • Structured like a formal letter
  • Typed using a professional font 
  • Free from any spelling or grammar errors
  • Tailored specially for the company, industry or job 

How to structure a speculative cover letter

The first paragraph should explain why you are writing to the organisation. Let them know about your current skills and experience and what sort of role you are looking for. Try not to restrict your options so it’s best to demonstrate that you have a wide variety of skills and abilities.

Next, you should outline why you are interested in joining the organisation. Show them that you are genuinely interested in the chance to work for them even if there are no vacancies. Talk about the company’s reputation, products/services, values, culture or perhaps their charity work.

Always end a cover letter positively. Thank the employer for reading your letter and that you look forward to hearing from them. 

Read more about structuring a cover letter here.

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How to send a speculative cover letter

It’s best to send your letter using email or post and make sure you include a copy of your CV. Try to find an email address for the recruitment team or better still the hiring manager.

If you cannot find an appropriate email address you can post the letter to the company instead.

Will the organisation respond?

Once you have sent off your letter the next step is to wait. Remember, it may be a few days or even weeks before you receive a response. If a vacancy is available or the organisation is interested in you they might invite you to an interview or perhaps to discuss your CV.

Even if there are no upcoming vacancies the organisation may acknowledge your letter and perhaps direct you to their recruitment website where you can view upcoming vacancies. They may even agree to contact you directly if any vacancies matching your skills and abilities arise.

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