Why you should leave customer feedback after visiting the shops


Quite often when you buy something from a shop you will be invited to leave some feedback. This could be in the form of a link at the bottom of your receipt, an email, an invitation card or a link on the shop’s website or social media pages.

You will likely be asked to fill out a short questionnaire about your visit to the store or leave some comments on your customer experience. 

They may also ask you about their products and services. 

Here is why you should leave feedback: 

Let’s the shop know how they are doing 

A good source of information for businesses is from their customers. After all, customers are the best people to let the shop know what is going well and what isn’t. This is because there are some things that customers may notice that the shop hasn’t. 

Reviewing feedback from customers will help the business identify anything that needs to be changed or anything that is working well and should be kept.

Helps the shop identify any problems

Let’s say you have a poor experience in a shop. Perhaps they didn’t have any products in your size, you couldn’t find anyone to serve you or the staff were rude to you. 

Simply leaving the store grumbling to yourself won’t help the store improve. Many stores are not actually aware of issues unless a customer points them out to them. This way they can take action to remedy the problem and ensure it does not happen again.

Motivates staff

If you leave positive feedback for a member of staff in the store they will definitely get to read it. 

For example: 

“Tom was very friendly and helpful. He was very patient and helped me find what I was looking for”

Tom’s manager will likely show him this message and offer him praise. The message may even be displayed on a notice board or company intranet. Tom will be delighted at receiving such positive feedback and may even be rewarded by his boss. 

Receiving good feedback from customers is very motivating for retail/hospitality staff and lets them know that they are doing a great job. 

You may receive a reward 

Most retailers offer some form of reward to customers for filling out a customer feedback survey. This could be entry to a prize draw, a discount code for your next purchase or extra points on your loyalty card.