Why it may not be a good idea to skip uni lectures


All students will understand the temptation to skip (or to use a Scottish word ‘patch’) a uni lecture. Perhaps you have an essay due the next day that you want to work on or an exam to study for. Of course, some students choose not to attend because they simply don’t want to go (especially Monday mornings at 9AM).

If you have a genuine reason why you cannot attend i.e medical appointment please let your professors know. This way your university will know your absence is for a good reason and not that you simply couldn’t be bothered.

Here are some reasons why skipping lectures is not a good idea:

You could miss important information

By not attending the lecture you will miss important information about your modules, the content or assessments. Lectures are an opportunity for academics to explain the content to you in detail and offer their own expert knowledge. Lecturers may also discuss some topics that are not mentioned in the lecture handouts. If you are not there you will not be able to hear it.

It will damage your attendance levels

When you apply for graduate jobs or even jobs years after you have graduated the employer may contact your university to ask for a reference. As well as information such as your grade and modules studied, your university will also inform them about your attendance levels. I don’t think employers will be keen on offering a job to someone who has a poor attendance rate.

The university may take action

Most universities will monitor student attendance rates at lectures, seminars, tutorials etc. Some will take action against students who repeatedly skip classes without good reason. You may be asked to explain your reasons for being absent or even have formal disciplinary action taken against you. Some universities have been known to deduct marks from students for continuous unexplained absence.

Wasting your own money

If you are paying tuition fees you will be wasting your own money by not attending. Your lectures are one of the many things you pay for when you pay your fees so it is worthwhile attending. If you live in Scotland thus receive free tuition remember that the government (AKA taxpayers) is paying your fees.