What to take with you on your first day in a new job


Knowing what to take with you on your first day in a new job will help you feel more prepared and calm any nerves you may be experiencing. It is understandable that you will have lots of things on your mind such as what to wear, what time to leave at, whether will there be transport hold-ups and packing your bag. As well as yourself, a smile and a positive attitude here is what you should take on your first day in a new job.


Unless you completed this before you joined there will likely be some forms for you to fill in. This is to ensure you are paid the correct amount of money, that you pay the right amount of tax and that your employer has all of your information such as contact details and your emergency contact. Documents you will likely need are: 

  • Passport or driving license (or another form of photographic ID)
  • Proof of address
  • Your national insurance number
  • Your P45 from your previous job
  • Visa (if applicable)

Notepad and pen 

Most employers will provide you with any stationery you need but there is no harm in being prepared. During your first few days, you will likely have lots of meetings to introduce you to your team and the different business areas. You will probably receive lots of information to take in so it will be handy to have something you can use to take notes.

More Like This: What to expect on your first day in a new job

Lunch and snacks 

Every workplace has its own lunch arrangements. There may be a cafeteria available or employees may bring their own or eat out. If you’re unsure it’s best to have lunch with you just in case. You never know your new colleagues may invite you to lunch as a welcome and a way of getting to know you (that’s why it’s also a good idea to have some cash on you – don’t assume they will pay just because they invited you).

Make sure you take some snacks and a bottle of water with you. After all, it’s likely to seem like a long day and it’s important to feel energised. 

Some other things you should consider packing in your bag

  • Stain stick to remove any stains from clothing
  • Watch to keep track of time if your employer does not allow mobile phones
  • A list of questions you can ask your manager on your coworkers

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