What to take to a university lecture


Going along to your first university lecture can be a nerve-wracking experience. Walking into a large lecture theatre with up to 200 people may seem daunting at first but it’s a natural part of university life.

Not to worry, we’ve got you covered when it comes to everything you need to take along.

Pens and a notepad

Taking a notepad and pen along to lectures creates the impression that you are prepared and eager to learn. Plus it comes in handy if your lecturer says something really important that you should probably make a note of. 

Having a notepad and pen also means that you have a backup in case of any technical glitches with your laptop. Plus some students actually prefer writing their notes rather than typing them. 


Taking your laptop to uni means you can type your lecture notes and add to them later when you carry out your own studying. You will also be able to access your university website and view any additional materials the lecturer has provided. 

Tempting as it may be don’t pretend to be typing notes whilst secretly shopping online, playing games or watching Netflix. Everyone else will see what you are doing and your lecturer may just catch you in the act. 

A copy of the lecture slides

If your university provides the lecture slides in advance of the lecture it is a good idea to take a copy along to the lecture. This means you can follow along and add to them during the lecture and highlight key slides. 

You could either print a copy off or download them onto your laptop or tablet. 

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Student ID Card

You should always have your student ID card on you when you are on campus. Not only do you need this to access buildings and use the university facilities but some universities require students to use their cards to confirm their attendance at class. 


Nothing worse than being stuck in a 2-hour lecture feeling thirsty. Be sure to take along water, coffee, tea, juice or even an energy drink (just in case you are tired). 

Whilst eating is not usually allowed during lectures (although some lecturers do allow small discreet food items to be consumed) it is worth having some snacks in case you are given a break. 

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