What to post on LinkedIn


LinkedIn is a professional social networking platform that is primarily used for business and career-related purposes. It is one of the most widely used and recognized professional networking platforms globally.

What should you post on LinkedIn?

You should aim to post content that aligns with your professional goals and interests. Here are some ideas for what to post:

Industry Insights: Share articles, research, or your thoughts on recent developments in your industry. This shows your expertise and keeps your network informed.

Professional Achievements: Announce promotions, new job positions, certifications, or awards to highlight your career progress.

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Educational Content: Share informative articles, videos, or infographics that provide value to your network, such as tips, tutorials, or industry trends.

Thought Leadership: Express your opinions on industry trends, challenges, or emerging technologies. Thoughtful commentary can establish you as a thought leader.

Networking and Collaboration: Highlight collaborations or partnerships with colleagues or companies. This can expand your network and showcase your teamwork.

Company Updates: If you work for a company, share updates about your organization, such as product launches, milestones, or company culture insights.

Personal Growth and Learning: Share insights from books, courses, or seminars you’ve attended. Discuss how these have impacted your professional growth.

Professional Goals: Set and share your professional goals or resolutions. This can invite support and accountability from your network.

Engage in Conversations: Comment on and engage with posts from your network. Meaningful discussions can help you build relationships and visibility.

Personal Stories: Occasionally, sharing personal anecdotes or experiences related to your professional journey can make you more relatable to your connections.

Remember to maintain a professional tone and adhere to LinkedIn’s guidelines. Consistency in posting and engaging with your network can help you grow your presence on the platform.

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