It goes without saying that exams are a stressful time for students. As well as focusing on your revision, you may also be worried about what to do if something goes wrong during an exam?
Here I have gathered together some common concerns students have about their exams and the best way to deal with them.
What if I turn up late?
Whilst you should make every effort to ensure you get to the exam on time (some people even set 5 alarms) there may be an emergency outwith your control that means you turn up late.
Whether or not you are allowed into the exam depends on how late you are. Every school, college and university has their own rules about admitting late candidates. Some will allow latecomers in no later than 10-15 minutes after the exam has started and others no later than a third of the way through.
Remember, you might not be allowed the full time to complete the exam. Whilst some centres will let you have the full time allocated for the exam, others will deduct the time you missed.
If you end up being very late or even missing an exam for circumstances that were not your fault you can ask your school and the exam board if special considerations can be put in place.
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What if I run out of pens or ink?
Double-check the exam guidance beforehand so you know exactly what you need to take into the exam. Be sure to take in a supply of pens/pencils and anything else you might need i.e calculator, highlighter, ruler etc.
If you realise before the exam that you are missing something speak to your teachers as your school will have a supply.
During the exam, if all of your pens break or run out of ink, raise your hand and explain the problem to the invigilator. There will be a supply of some spare equipment available in the hall in case of emergencies.
What if I suddenly realise I have my phone in my pocket?
Mobile phones and other smart devices are banned from the exam hall to prevent cheating. However, it can be very easy to make an honest mistake and forget to take your phone out of your pocket or bag or take your smartwatch off before going into the exam hall.
Not to worry there is no need to sit there panicking at the thought of having contraband in your pocket. The invigilators will remind everyone before the exam starts about which items are banned and offer a final chance to hand in any banned items. Use this time to double-check your pockets and bags and hand in anything you have forgotten to leave outside. If you hand in your phone now you will not face any consequences.

What if I need to go to the toilet?
Be sure to use the toilet before the exam to avoid losing time. After all, you may not get the time back if you need to leave the exam hall.
If you genuinely need to go to the toilet during your exam put up your hand and let the invigilator know. You will then be accompanied to the nearest bathroom.
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What if I feel unwell?
It is perfectly natural to feel nervous before and during exams. Be sure to drink plenty of water and eat breakfast on the morning of the exam. Have a snack before the exam as well to ensure you are not going in on an empty stomach.
If you feel unwell during the exam put up your hand and speak to the invigilator. They will ask you if you feel able to continue or whether moving to a different room or seat would help.
If you cannot continue with the exam you will need to obtain a letter from your doctor for special considerations to be put in place.
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