What to do after passing your driving test


“That is the end of the test and I’m pleased to say you’ve passed”. 

Congratulations, it’s time to get rid of the L Plates. Passing your driving test is a fantastic achievement. After all, you finally have the freedom to get behind the wheel of your own car. However, this suddenly raises the question of getting your licence, buying a car, sorting out insurance and all of the other stuff that comes with car ownership. 

To steer you in the right direction (sorry couldn’t resist) here is what you need to think about after passing your driving test. 

Listen to the examiner’s feedback 

It’s understandable that you’ll probably feel incredibly excited after just being told you’ve passed your driving test. However, you still listen to the examiner’s feedback at the end of the test. 

Even though you’ve passed, the examiner is still required to offer you a debrief at the end of the test after delivering the good news. You may still have picked up a couple of minor faults so it’s best to listen so you know where you can still make improvements. 

Thank your driving instructor 

It’s also nice to say thank you to your driving instructor. After all, they’ve been teaching you to drive for the past few months and you wouldn’t have passed without them. 


Passing your driving test is a great milestone and should definitely be celebrated. 

If you post a photo of your pass certificate on social media be sure to block out your driver number as this can be used to steal your identity. 

Arrange for your full driving license to be sent 

After issuing your pass certificate, the examiner will ask you if you want them to arrange to have your full licence sent to you. If you don’t need to make any changes to your address or photo it’s best to use this option (saves you having to apply for it yourself). However, if you need to make changes to your licence you’ll need to complete a new application. 

You don’t need to wait until you receive your full driving licence to start driving on your own. Some people choose to take their pass certificate with them when they are driving until they receive their full licence (although you don’t have to). 

If your full licence does not arrive after 3 weeks contact the DVLA. 

Decide whether you will buy a car 

Buying a car is a big purchase so it’s best to take some time to think about it. Consider what sort of car you would like and how much finance you have available. Whilst you may have your heart set on a Lamborghini, this is probably not the most cost-effective option for a new driver. 

You will also need to decide whether you will purchase a car privately or from a car dealership. There are advantages and disadvantages to both so think about this carefully. 

Remember, you can always wait until you have saved up some more money before purchasing a car. 

Build up your confidence driving on your own

Driving on your own for the first time

Having been so used to driving with your instructor in the passenger seat it can be very daunting to suddenly have the freedom to drive a car on your own. 

Remember, your own car will be very different to your instructor’s car so take some time to familiarise yourself with the controls. Lots of people take their car to a quiet road to spend some time getting used to their car before heading on to busier roads. 

Consider asking someone to go with you for the first couple of times whilst you build up your confidence. When you are ready, go for a short drive on your own using a route you are familiar with. 

Consider the Pass Plus Scheme 

The pass plus scheme is a course available to qualified drivers and is designed to enhance your driving skills. It is taught by driving instructors or driving schools and covers different modules including: 

  • Driving on motorways 
  • Driving at night time 
  • Driving on rural roads 
  • Driving in different weather conditions 
  • Town Driving 
  • Driving on dual carriageways 

The cost of taking the Pass Plus scheme is around £200 depending on the instructor. Not all driving instructors offer the  Pass Plus scheme so you may need to find another instructor. 

A big advantage to the Pass Plus scheme is it can often reduce the cost of your car insurance. 

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