What is ‘The Russell Group’?


The Russell Group is an association of 24 public universities in the UK, members of which are often considered to be the UK’s most prestigious universities. Member universities have a shared interest in research and academic achievement and receive over three quarters of the UK university research grants. 

The Russell Group is led by a Chief Executive and a Chairperson. The current Chief Executive is Dr Tim Bradshaw and the current Chairperson is Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell (Vice-Chancellor of The University of Manchester). The board of directors is made up of the Principals and Vice-Chancellors of the 24 member universities. 

History of The Russell Group

The Russell Group was formed in 1994 by 17 public research universities in the UK. Each of the Vice Chancellors of the 17 universities would meet regularly at Hotel Russell in London which is where the name came from. The 17 universities initially met on an informal basis to ensure their views and interests were presented to the UK government. 

Since its formation, 7 other universities have joined the group which became an incorporated organisation in 2007. 

What does The Russell Group do? 

On its website, the Russell Group states that its aim is to “help ensure that our universities have the optimum conditions in which to flourish and continue to make social, economic and cultural impacts through their world-leading research and teaching. We provide strategy, policy development, intelligence, communications and advocacy for our member institutions”

Russell group universities collaborate on a number of activities and objectives including:

  • Undertaking research and commissioning reports 
  • Lobbying government and Parliament 
  • Discussing issues relating to higher education 


  • University of Birmingham 
  • University of Bristol 
  • University of Cambridge
  • Cardiff University 
  • Durham University 
  • University of Edinburgh 
  • University of Exeter 
  • University of Glasgow
  • Imperial College London
  • King’s College London 
  • University of Leeds
  • University of Liverpool 
  • London School of Economics
  • University of Manchester 
  • Newcastle University 
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Oxford 
  • Queen Mary University of London 
  • Queen’s University Belfast
  • University of Sheffield 
  • University of Southampton 
  • University College London 
  • University of Warwick 
  • University of York

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