What is an organization’s mission statement?


An organization’s mission statement is a concise declaration of its purpose and reason for existence. It outlines what the organization aims to achieve, its values, and sometimes its target audience or stakeholders. It serves as a guiding principle for decision-making and strategic direction.

Companies typically make their mission statement readily accessible to the public, stakeholders, and employees as a means of communicating their purpose and guiding principles.

Most companies prominently display their mission statement on their website, often on the “About Us” or “Our Story” page. It’s usually one of the first things visitors see when learning about the company.

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Companies may include their mission statement in the “About” sections of their social media profiles on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, providing followers with insight into their core beliefs and objectives.

What does a mission statement include?

The statement should outline the company’s primary objective, explaining the problems it aims to solve or the needs it seeks to fulfill. They often include a set of core values that guide the behavior and decision-making within the organization. These values represent the principles and beliefs that the company holds dear and uses to govern its actions.

Many mission statements highlight what sets the company apart from its competitors. This could involve mentioning unique qualities, capabilities, or approaches that distinguish the company in its industry or market.

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