What is an employee handbook?


An employee handbook is a comprehensive document provided by employers to their employees. It serves as a guidebook outlining the company’s policies, procedures, expectations, benefits, and other important information relevant to employment. Employee handbooks are usually available electronically on a company intranet or in some cases paper copies are given to new joiners.

They provide employees with clear guidelines on what is expected of them in terms of behaviour, performance, and adherence to company policies. They also serve as a reference guide for employees to consult when they have questions about company policies, benefits, or procedures.

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What is typically included in an employee handbook?

Introduction: Sets the tone by introducing the company’s mission, values, and culture.

Employment policies: Covers employment status, equal opportunity policies, anti-discrimination and harassment policies, and standards of conduct.

Compensation and benefits: Details pay structure, benefits (such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off), and other perks.

Work schedule and attendance: Outlines work hours, attendance expectations, and procedures for time-off requests and reporting absences.

Performance expectations: Clarifies job responsibilities, performance evaluations, advancement opportunities, and disciplinary procedures.

Workplace safety: Provides information on safety protocols, emergency procedures, and health and safety regulations.

IT and communication policies: Sets guidelines for the use of company technology, email, internet, social media, and confidentiality agreements.

Leave policies: Explains various types of leave, including parental leave, bereavement leave, and jury duty.

Grievance procedures: Describes steps for reporting complaints and resolving disputes.

Legal compliance: Ensures compliance with employment laws and regulations at federal, state, and local levels.

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