What is a sandwich degree?


A sandwich degree is a type of university degree that allows students to take a year out to work in industry. Sometimes this is called an industrial placement or ‘year in industry’. They are called sandwich degrees because the one-year placement is sandwiched in between your years at university. 

Some university degrees have the option to go on placement included within the degree structure. If your degree does not offer this you will need to apply to your university. This may be something worth researching before applying to this particular course.

What will I be doing whilst on placement? 

You’ll be working full time and be treated the same as other employees in the company. This means you’ll be assigned your own tasks and responsibilities (and I don’t mean making the tea or photocopying). Depending on the team you join you’ll have a variety of work to do and be able to contribute to exciting projects. You’ll have the chance to build your skills and knowledge within your chosen industry and learn from people who have several years of experience. 

Whilst on placement you will be supported by a member of university staff called a ‘placement supervisor’. This person will be your main point of contact and will keep in contact with you during the year. They may even visit you and speak to your employer. 

Will I still need to pay tuition fees?

If you study in England and Wales you will still need to pay your tuition fees although they will be reduced. You may ask why especially if students are not technically studying at university during their placement? Remember, students on placement still have access to university facilities and will be supported by members of staff whilst on placement. 

Plus, your university may ask you to complete some coursework relating to your placement such as a reflective essay or journal. So technically you are still a student of the university. 

However, despite being on placement you can still apply for student finance although the amount you earn may be reduced. In Scotland, your tuition fees will still be paid by the Scottish Government.

Advantages of a sandwich degree 

Improve your employability prospects

Undertaking a placement will improve your chances of securing a graduate job when you leave university. This could even be with the same organisation. 

After all, the organisation may also offer a graduate scheme which may be of interest to you. Organisations are known to favour candidates who have undertaken an industrial placement with them. If you are extremely lucky (and the company likes you) they may even offer you a place on their graduate scheme in advance. 

Even if you decide not to return to your placement, you will have developed transferable skills which are likely to impress lots of other employers. 

Gain valuable skills 

Spending a year working in industry gives you the chance to build skills and knowledge that you won’t gain at university. Plus, your placement can help you learn practical elements such as using industry-specific equipment, tools, software etc which will be a huge advantage when applying for graduate schemes. 

You will be paid

Students undertaking a placement will receive a salary plus holidays and other benefits available to other staff. The salary you earn will depend on the company but on average placement students earn around £18,000 per year.

Build your network 

Starting to build your network is crucial whilst at university and going on placement is a fantastic opportunity to grow your network even further. After all, you will get to meet and work with many people from all levels of the organisation. If your role is client-facing you will also get to interact with people outside of the organisation as well. 

Be sure to connect with your colleagues on LinkedIn and keep hold of any business cards. You never know when your network will come in handy in the future. 

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