What is a research hypothesis?


A research hypothesis is a statement that predicts the relationship between variables in a study. It’s like a roadmap that guides your research, indicating what you expect to find based on existing knowledge or theories. Think of it as an educated guess that sets the direction for your investigation.

A well-crafted hypothesis typically includes two key components – independent and dependent variables and prediction of relationship.

Independent Variable: This is the variable you manipulate or control in your study.

Dependent Variable: This is the variable you measure to observe the effect of the independent variable.

Prediction of Relationship: Clearly state the expected relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Will an increase in one variable lead to a change in the other? Will there be a positive or negative correlation?

Tips for choosing research hypotheses

Ground your hypotheses in literature

Review existing literature related to your research topic. This will help you identify gaps in knowledge and formulate hypotheses that contribute to the academic conversation.

Be specific and testable

A good hypothesis is specific and can be tested through empirical research. Avoid vague statements and strive for clarity in your predictions.

More Like This: How to choose a research paradigm

Consider your research design

Your chosen research design (experimental, correlational, etc.) will influence the type of hypotheses you formulate. Ensure that your hypotheses align with the methodology you plan to use.

Stay realistic

While it’s important to be ambitious, it’s equally crucial to stay realistic. Your hypotheses should be based on a reasonable understanding of the topic and the available resources for your research.

Revise and refine

As your research progresses, be open to revising and refining your hypotheses. New insights may emerge, and adjustments may be necessary.

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