What are transferable skills?


Transferable skills can be used in many different jobs as they can be helpful across several professional and social aspects of life. These skills are developed throughout school, university or college, jobs and your own personal life.

Why are transferable skills important?

The more transferable skills you have the more employable you will be. When reviewing your CV the employer will look at the transferable skills that you have and use these to determine whether you are the right candidate for the job. Your transferable skills are particularly important when changing careers or applying for your first job. This is because these are usually soft skills which can compensate for a lack of experience or knowledge of a particular industry.


Communication skills: good communication skills are important in every role. Being able to communicate with your coworkers both verbally and in writing ensures an effective place of work.

Problem-solving: companies rely on problem solvers to take action and come up with solutions when unexpected challenges occur. 

Time management: having good time management does not just mean that you turn up for work on time. It means that you can meet deadlines and manage your time effectively by breaking up tasks and creating to-do lists.

Adaptability: the reality is change is always occurring in a place of work. Being adaptable means being able to embrace change especially when it happens suddenly and knowing when to be flexible and find other solutions.

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