What are situational judgement tests?


Situational judgement tests (SJTs) are a type of assessment used to evaluate a candidate’s ability to handle work-related scenarios. These tests present candidates with hypothetical situations they might encounter in the workplace and ask them to choose the best course of action from a list of possible responses. The scenarios are typically relevant to the job for which the candidate is applying, and the responses are designed to assess various competencies such as problem-solving, decision-making, interpersonal skills, and ethical judgment.

How do situational judgement tests work?

SJTs are usually presented in a multiple-choice format, where each question describes a scenario followed by several potential responses. Candidates are required to either:

  • Select the most effective response – Pick the option they believe is the best course of action.
  • Rank the responses – Order the options from most to least effective based on how they would address the scenario.

Example scenario: You notice a colleague struggling with their workload, which is affecting their performance and team morale.


  1. Offer to help them with some of their tasks.
  2. Talk to your manager about redistributing the workload.
  3. Ignore the situation as it is not your responsibility.
  4. Suggest that your colleague speaks to the manager about their workload.

Why are situational judgement tests used?

Assessing real-world skills

Unlike traditional cognitive tests that measure abstract abilities, SJTs focus on real-world skills and behaviors. They provide insight into how candidates would likely perform in the job based on their decision-making and problem-solving abilities in relevant situations.

More Like This: Situational judgement test examples

Predicting job performance

Research has shown that SJTs are good predictors of job performance. They help identify candidates who possess the soft skills necessary for the role, such as teamwork, communication, and adaptability, which are often harder to measure through conventional testing methods.

Reducing bias

SJTs can help reduce bias in the recruitment process. Since the scenarios are job-relevant and the responses are standardized, these tests offer a fair assessment for all candidates. This leads to a more diverse and inclusive hiring process.

Enhancing candidate experience

Candidates often find SJTs engaging and reflective of actual job challenges. This realistic preview can enhance the candidate experience by giving them a better understanding of what the job entails. This helps them decide if the role and company are the right fit for them.

Efficient screening tool

For employers, SJTs are an efficient way to screen large volumes of applicants. By quickly identifying those who demonstrate good judgment and alignment with company values, organizations can streamline their recruitment process and focus on interviewing the most promising candidates.

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