Uses for your old study notes


If you are a student you will likely have a collection of study notes that you have created throughout your time at university/college. Instead of throwing them away (tempting as it sounds) why not consider some other (perhaps more productive) uses for them? 

Keep them for future revision 

It may be a good idea to keep a copy of your study notes. You never know whether they might come in useful for a future module or coursework. 

Remember, don’t be tempted to copy large chunks of essays/coursework to use again in future pieces of work. This will likely count as self-plagiarism which is against the rules at many institutions (even though you are the author). 

Pass them on to students in the year below 

If you know any students who are studying your course(or one very similar) but are in the years below you, why not pass on your notes to them? 

I’m sure they’ll be very grateful. 

It’s entirely up to you whether you give them away for free or sell them (see the guide below). 

Sell them 

You can earn some extra money by selling your study notes. 

Ask around campus (pay attention to notice boards or newsletters) to see if anyone is interested in buying your notes. Another idea is to advertise them on social media. Check to see if there are any local Facebook pages dedicated to buying and selling study notes. 

Alternatively, there are some websites dedicated to buying and selling revision notes and the good news is they are pretty straight forward. 

You upload your notes, they will make you an offer (which you can accept or decline) and they buy your notes off you.

If you are going to sell your study notes there are a few things to remember:

  • Make sure the notes are your own personal notes created by you. Do not sell any lecture handouts, sample essays, exam papers etc that were not created by you. Anything that was created and distributed by your institution is their property and not yours to sell. 
  • Equally, do not sell notes or coursework that was created by another student. Same goes for group work (unless the other students have given you permission to sell it). 
  • Double-check the rules of your institution. Some do not allow students to sell study notes. 

Post them on social media 

Ok, you are probably thinking, why would my Facebook friends or Twitter followers be interested in my lecture notes?

However, you would be amazed at how people have racked up several likes/shares/follows by posting pictures of their study notes. Some people have even earned some money from it.