Useful phrases for a dissertation literature review


Preparing a literature review can be challenging when writing an undergraduate or postgraduate dissertation or thesis. It is important that you create a logical structure and carefully present your research to allow you to outline what is already known about the topic. This will help form the basis for the rest of your dissertation. Here is a list of useful phrases for a dissertation literature review. 

Chapter introduction 

The purpose of the literature review is to analyse the literature regarding

This literature review aims to analyse the current theory surrounding 

The literature review will examine what is already known about 

Introducing terms 

Since this dissertation focuses on X it is important to firstly define the term

As this dissertation explores X there is a need to understand exactly what this means

One of the first people to define X was Smith (1990) who offered the following definition

For Smith (2020) X is 

Smith (2022) uses the term X to describe

Jones (2022) offers a similar definition to that of (Smith 2021) describing X as 

A commonly accepted definition of X is offered by (Jones 2021) who describes X as

There is no widely accepted definition of X therefore it is difficult to define the term. However, the definition offered by Smith (2019) is frequently used within the literature. 

Areas of agreement

This definition offered by Jones (2021) aligns with that of Smith (2020)

Several studies have shown/suggested that 

Jones (2020) agrees with Smith (2020) defining X as 

Smith (2022) and Jones (2022) agree that 

Similarly, Jones (2022) defines X as 

Smith (2022) and Jones (2021) agree that 

Over the years many researchers have found that 

Recently there has been significant interest in

Areas of disagreement 

On the other hand, Jones (2020) proposes a more comprehensive definition of X 

Despite Smith’s viewpoint, Jones (2021) suggests that 

More Like This: Writing your dissertation limitations

Introducing areas of criticism 

X does not come without criticism 

A question that needs to be asked regarding X is

This view of X is often challenged 

One limitation of X is 

A major of drawback of this method is 

Previous studies cannot be considered in this case

Y is a potential concern when it comes to X 

Showing a gap in knowledge

Only a few studies have investigated/examined

Despite this, there is little knowledge of 

Smith (2020) highlights a need for further research into X 

Jones (2022) asserts a need for greater research into 

Chapter conclusion 

This chapter offered an overview of X

It is shown that 

It is clear that 

As demonstrated by the literature review there is a knowledge gap when it comes to

Subsequently, this paper will focus on 

To address this knowledge gap this dissertation will look at 

Therefore this dissertation will aim to establish 

For more useful phrases to include in your dissertation visit our dissertation phrase guide.

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