Types of video job interview


A video job interview is a type of job interview conducted remotely using video conferencing technology. They are becoming increasingly common as they allow employers to assess candidates’ qualifications, skills, and fit for a job role without the need for physical presence.

There are two main types of video job interviews: live interviews and pre-recorded interviews, each with distinct characteristics and differences.

Employers may use a combination of both types of video interviews in their hiring process. However, this depends on the job role and the stage of the interview process. It’s essential for candidates to be prepared for either option and to ensure they have the necessary technology and setup to participate effectively.

Live video interview

In a live video interview, the candidate and the interviewer(s) interact in real time using video conferencing software such as Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, or other platforms. Live interviews offer real-time communication, allowing for immediate follow-up questions, clarifications, and a more dynamic conversation.

More Like This: How to introduce yourself at a job interview

Pre-recorded interview

In a pre-recorded video interview, candidates record their responses to a set of interview questions. This can be done at a time that is convenient for them within a specified timeframe (e.g., 48 hours).

Candidates may receive a list of questions or prompts beforehand or see them appear on screen and will record their answers using a video recording platform provided by the employer. However, there is no real-time interaction with interviewers, and candidates do not receive immediate feedback or follow-up questions. Pre-recorded interviews are often used in the early stages of the hiring process to screen a large number of candidates efficiently.

Top-tips for video interviews

  • Choose a quiet location where you won’t be disturbed. 
  • Try to ensure a plain background.
  • Dress appropriately. Even though you are meeting virtually you should still dress as you would if you were meeting them in-person.
  • Test your computer beforehand to ensure the sound, camera, software etc works properly. 

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