Tips for saving storage on your mobile phone


Think about how much stuff is actually saved on your phone. As well as images, videos, music, files etc your phone also stores text messages, emails, call history, data from apps and even your internet history. All of these are things you will want to have stored on your phone where you can easily find them. 

Despite how advanced mobile phones are nowadays, unfortunately, they still cannot store everything. There will come a time when your phone is nearing its storage capacity. 

Thankfully there are some very easy ways to free up storage space on your mobile phone. 

Delete old messages. Messages on your phone will not automatically delete unless you set your phone to wipe old messages after a set period of time. Most phones allow you to select how long you keep messages for. 

Delete apps you don’t use. Apps take up large amounts of storage space and some can use up to 1GB of storage. Have a look through your apps and delete any you no longer need or want. Remember you can download them again if you change your mind. Apps that you’ve paid for can be downloaded again for free. If you still have your old phone, why not use it simply for games? This will free up space on your regular phone. 

Delete downloaded files that you no longer need. Images, videos, documents, audio recordings or screenshots that have been downloaded to your phone either from emails, messages, internet searches etc will all be stored somewhere on your phone. Most phones will have a Files app where you should find these downloads hiding. Scroll through and delete any you don’t need. 

Delete older images. On average people store up to 630 photos on their phone. Try deleting old photos that you no longer want. Remember you can always save photos elsewhere such as on USB drives, SD cards or back up using cloud software. Photos that have been uploaded to social media will also still be visible on your profile. 

Clear internet history. Your phone will store your internet search history (unless you switch this feature off). Go into your settings, select safari and click on clear history and website data. 

Delete music you don’t listen to. Songs stored on your phone is another big user of storage. If there are any tunes you no longer listen to consider deleting them. Remember you can always download them again if you change your mind.