Tips for a panel job interview


A panel interview is a type of job interview in which a job candidate is interviewed by multiple interviewers simultaneously, typically three or more people. These interviewers often include individuals from different departments or roles within the company, such as HR representatives, managers, team members, or even executives.

Handling an interview with multiple interviewers can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can make a positive impression. Here are some tips for a panel job interview:

Research the panel

Find out who will be on the interview panel and research their backgrounds and roles within the company. This can help you tailor your responses to their interests and expectations. Try to build rapport with each member of the panel. Show how your skills and experiences are relevant to their specific areas of interest.

Greet everyone

When you enter the room, make sure to greet and shake hands (if appropriate) with each interviewer. This shows respect and confidence.

During introductions, take note of the interviewers’ names and titles. You can refer to them by name when responding to their questions.

Maintain eye contact

When answering questions, maintain good eye contact with the person who asked the question, but also periodically include other interviewers to show you’re engaging with the entire panel.

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Prepare for different styles

Different interviewers may have varying interviewing styles. Be adaptable and responsive to the style and tone of each questioner.

Your goal is to be adaptable and versatile in how you respond to questions. Some interviewers may prefer straightforward, fact-based responses, while others may be more interested in your thought process or problem-solving abilities. Tailor your responses to each interviewer’s style while staying true to your own experiences and qualifications.

By preparing for different interview styles, you can demonstrate your flexibility, communication skills, and ability to work effectively with a variety of people – all of which are valuable traits in the workplace.

Stay calm and focused

Multiple interviewers may ask different questions or approach the interview from different angles. Stay calm and focused, and ensure your responses are relevant to the overall discussion.

Make sure you fully understand the questions by practising active listening. You can ask for clarification if a question is unclear or multifaceted.

Follow up

After the interview, send a thank-you note to each interviewer individually, acknowledging their time and expressing your continued interest in the position.

Remember to customize your messages to address each interviewer’s contribution and questions. Send a personalized thank-you email to each interviewer. Mention something specific from the interview that demonstrates your engagement.

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