Time management skills for pupils and students


Why is time management important?

Having good time management is an important skill to have. Not only will you be able to avoid rushing around between tasks but it can also improve the standard of your work as you will have dedicated an appropriate amount of time to it (instead of doing it all at the last minute). 

Plus, being able to manage your time effectively will lead to reduced stress as you will have more control over your time and how you spend it completing tasks. Other people are also likely to notice that you have good control over your timekeeping so you will be seen as someone who can be relied on to get things done on time. 

Constantly turning up late for things or handing in assignments late is likely to land in trouble and earn you a reputation as someone who has poor timekeeping. 

What are the consequences of not having good time management skills?

Poor time management can seriously impact your academic performance. Not spending enough time on assignments or leaving them to the last minute is likely to reduce your grades. This is because you have not spent enough time understanding the task, what is expected and what learning you need to do. 

Further, you will feel you have less energy if you are overwhelmed with so many tasks that you feel you cannot complete on time and spend time rushing around between them. Less energy can lead to decreased motivation and productivity. 

How to improve your timekeeping

  • Make a to-do list. Prioritise important tasks of those with a fast-approaching deadline.
  • Create a schedule and stick to it. Make sure you know what you need to do and when. Ideally, you should know how long it will take you to do something or go somewhere and take this into account when planning your day. 
  • Avoid distractions. If you are focusing on a task or in the middle of something important stay away from distractions. Put your phone on silent or do not disturb, keep away from the television or radio and try to find somewhere quiet to work.
  • Do not procrastinate. This is when you put off doing something until the very last minute (or avoid doing it altogether). Perhaps it is something you find boring I don’t feel as if you are skilled at.
  • Allow yourself time for breaks. It is important that you allow yourself some time for relaxation, free time or catching up with friends as this will give you a chance to relax your brain and stay motivated. Poor motivation can negatively impact your ability to complete tasks on time.