Simple ways to be eco-friendly


We all want to (and should) behave in an eco-friendly manner. Looking after the environment is important for our own health and the survival of all living things. Here in the UK concern over the environment is at its highest with members of the public regarding environmental issues to be more important than issues such as the economy or crime. 

There are some relatively simple ways of looking after the environment. 

  • Recycle as much as possible 
  • Cut out single-use plastics 
  • Turn off the tap water when you are brushing your teeth 
  • Take showers instead of baths
  • Use metal straws 
  • Read online newspapers instead of purchasing a paper version
  • Buy a reusable coffee/teacup
  • Use cloth napkins and handkerchiefs
  • Write on both sides of the paper 
  • Try to avoid printing documents
  • Properly switch off the TV instead of putting it on standby when you are not watching it 
  • Recycle plastic bags when shopping or better still purchase a reusable cloth bag. 
  • Switch off the lights when you leave a room 
  • Try to drive less. If somewhere is within walking distance consider walking if you can. Another idea is to car share if several of you are going to the same place
  • Store your packed lunch in a lunch bag/box instead of a plastic bag 
  • Grow your own vegetables 
  • Reuse wrapping paper
  • Support businesses that act ethically and in an environmentally friendly way 
  • Instead of binning old or unwanted clothes, books, CDs etc consider donating them to local charities
  • Do not charge your phone, laptop, tablet or other devices unless you really need to 

I will keep adding to this list as I learn of any new ideas. 

If you have any of your own tips that you would like to share please feel free to get in touch using the contact form or tweet @BeInTheKnow_UK