Shop local: 10 reasons for supporting local small businesses


Small businesses make up over 90% of UK businesses and employ thousands of people across the country. A small local business can be anything from a cafe, shop, restaurant, hairdresser or even a small manufacturer.

It is pretty easy to find local businesses in your area. Have a look on social media (especially on local community groups), keep an eye out for leaflets or business cards posted through your letterbox or simply have a walk through your local town centre.

So here is my list of 10 reasons why you may wish to think about visiting local businesses in your area.

Helps the local economy. Money spent in local businesses is far more likely to stay within the local area. 

Local employment. Small businesses that are based locally will tend to employ people in your local area. You never know you may end up working for one day. 

Supporters of local charities and community projects. Almost all local businesses will want to show support for local charities or community initiatives. They may help with some fundraising, raise awareness, donate prizes for raffles/auctions or even donate goods and services. 

Work Experience. Local businesses may offer work experience opportunities to pupils at local schools. 

Personal Touch. Whilst larger businesses do offer good customer service, the staff at smaller local businesses will get to know customers a lot better and can provide a more personalised service. After all, a small business owner will know the local trends and what goods are popular in the local area. They may even be able to offer better recommendations. 

Handmade, original or even one-off gifts. The majority of small local businesses will create their own goods themselves on the premises. These may be handmade, unique and could be one of only a few of that product made (not available in major retailers either) so will be perfect for a gift for someone. 

Better for the environment. Local businesses are exactly that – local. Which means they are likely to be within walking distance and if not a shorter drive. Choosing to visit a local business rather than driving long distances to bigger companies will reduce air pollution and the level of traffic on the roads. Also, many local businesses make their products on the premises thus a reduction in the number of goods having to be transported in large trucks (that are just as harmful to the environment). 

Develops your local area. Having good local businesses in your community will help your area to stand out and become more popular. This will encourage visitors from nearby towns or even tourists. 

You will be supporting local entrepreneurs. It is not as easy as you may think running a small local business. The owners will be working long hours and putting a great deal of effort into running their business and supporting their employees. They may also have other responsibilities such as their family.  

They may host clubs or events for the local community. Small book stores may set up a local reading group, craft shops may offer arts and crafts classes and even local cafes may set up some clubs for people in the local community to go along to.