Scottish schools to return full time in August


Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education John Swinney MSP has announced that schools in Scotland will return full time in August. This announcement came after months of hard work and planning from schools and the Scottish Government. 

Previously it was suggested that pupils would return to school only on a part time basis with the rest of their learning being done at home. 

However, the good news is that all pupils will be able to return on the 11th August with the latest date for pupils to return full time being the 18th August. 

What will be different? 

It has been nearly 5 months since pupils were last in school so it’s understandable that pupils may be slightly apprehensive about returning. On the other hand, it will be nice to see friends again and begin the process of returning to normality (as best as we can). However, to keep everyone safe, there will be a number of new measures put in place. 

Schools are likely to have separate entrances and exits and pupils will be asked to wash their hands when they enter the building. Although pupils do not have to socially distance from each other, teachers will be asked to keep 2 metres away from pupils. However, pupils should still avoid physical contact with each other I.e no hugging or shaking hands. 

In secondary schools, the layout of classrooms may be altered slightly and changes will be made to the way pupils move around the building. For example, there may be one way systems in place and separate doors for entering and exiting. This is to avoid large crowds gathering in corridors or in other areas. 

Schools will have signs up around the building reminding pupils about the importance of good hand hygiene and other measures put in place. School staff will also be able to offer support and guidance to pupils. 

Break times and lunchtime

Arrangements for break times and lunchtimes will be decided by each school. The Scottish Government is advising schools to set up staggered break times and lunchtimes to avoid large groups of pupils gathering in cafeterias or pupil social areas. Pupils who leave school premises for lunch to go home or visit local shops will need to wash their hands or use hand sanitiser when they re-enter the building and wear a mask if they enter any shops. 

Hiring of new teachers 

The Scottish Government has also announced that new teachers and support staff will be hired in schools across Scotland to help pupils return to school and catch up on their learning. Funding has been allocated for an extra 850 teachers and 200 support staff who will be available to help schools support pupils as they return. 

What is expected of pupils? 

All pupils are expected to maintain good hand hygiene. Regular hand washing and cleaning hands using hand sanitiser will become a normal part of school life. Most schools will have hand sanitiser available throughout the building for pupils and staff to use and people are free to bring along their own as well. 

Pupils do not have to wear a mask or face covering if they do not want to however they can if they wish. The decision of whether or not to wear one will be down the pupil and their parents/guardians. 

Also, pupils should use a tissue or their sleeve to catch sneezes or coughs and dispose of any used tissues appropriately. 

Movement around the building is likely to be kept to a minimum however pupils may be asked to help wipe down desks and surfaces before and after using them. Pupils should also avoid sharing resources such as books, notepads, stationery and technology such as iPads where possible. All resources and equipment should be cleaned thoroughly before and after using them. 

If any pupil is unwell and is displaying symptoms of COVID-19 they should remain at home. Any pupil who becomes unwell during the school day with possible COVID-19 symptoms they should inform a member of staff.