Questions to ask university or college admissions teams


When applying to university or college it is understandable you will have lots of questions. Many questions about courses or the university/college can usually be answered by the admissions team. They are the people who deal with student applications and handle queries about courses from prospective students.

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There are several occasions when you may interact with the admissions teams including open days, interviews, careers fairs or via email or social media. Speaking to the admissions teams is a great opportunity to learn more about courses you are interested in and about the application process.

Here are some questions you can ask university or college admissions teams.

  • Can you tell me about the academic requirements for this course?
  • Do I need to submit references or essays as part of my application?
  • What are the tuition fees for this course?
  • Are there scholarships available? 
  • What are you looking for in an applicant? 
  • What do you look for in a personal statement? 
  • What research opportunities are there?
  • Are there opportunities for industrial placements or to study abroad? 
  • What do students enjoy the most about this course?
  • How does this university/college support students to find employment after graduation? 
  • What do graduates from this course go on to do? 
  • How is this course different from similar courses at other institutions? 

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