Questions to ask at an internship interview


When attending an internship interview, it’s important to ask thoughtful questions that demonstrate your interest in the role and highlight your desire to learn and contribute. 

Remember, it’s essential to tailor these questions to the specific internship and company you are interviewing with. By asking relevant questions, you demonstrate your genuine interest, curiosity, and dedication to making a positive impact during your internship. 

It is a good idea to have a couple of questions prepared in case one is answered during the interview. 

Here are some good questions to ask at an internship interview and why they are useful. 

Can you describe a typical day or week in this internship? 

Asking about the daily or weekly responsibilities will give you a clearer picture of what to expect and how your time will be structured. It shows your eagerness to understand the internship’s scope and helps you assess whether it aligns with your interests and goals.

How does this internship fit into the larger goals of the organisation? 

This question demonstrates that you are not just focused on the immediate tasks but also interested in understanding the broader impact of the internship. It shows your intention to contribute meaningfully and align your efforts with the organisation’s objectives.

Are there opportunities for mentorship or professional development? 

By inquiring about mentorship and professional growth, you express your commitment to learning and improving your skills. It also signals that you value ongoing guidance and support, which can enhance your overall internship experience.

More Like This: Advantages of an internship 

How does the company encourage collaboration and teamwork? 

This question reveals your interest in working effectively with others and understanding the company’s culture. It shows that you recognise the importance of collaboration in achieving goals and that you are eager to contribute as part of a team.

What are the key challenges or projects that the intern might be involved in?

By asking about specific challenges or projects, you demonstrate your enthusiasm for taking on meaningful responsibilities. It allows you to gauge the level of impact you can have during the internship and how it aligns with your interests and abilities.

How will my performance be evaluated during the internship?

Inquiring about the evaluation process demonstrates your willingness to be held accountable and your desire to receive feedback. It shows that you are motivated to improve and make the most of the internship experience.

Can you provide examples of previous interns who have succeeded in this role and what they went on to accomplish? 

Asking about past interns’ success stories showcases your ambition and desire to excel. It also gives you insight into the organisation’s track record of developing and supporting interns, which can influence your decision to accept the opportunity.

What opportunities exist for networking and building professional relationships within the company?

Asking about networking opportunities highlights your interest in forming connections and expanding your professional network. It shows that you recognise the importance of building relationships and leveraging them for future career growth.

How does the company support the learning and development of interns?

Inquiring about learning and development programs demonstrates your commitment to continuous growth. It also indicates that you value a supportive environment that invests in its interns’ skill enhancement.

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