Questions to ask (and not to ask) at a job interview


“That’s the end of our questions, do you have anything you would like to ask us?” 

At the end of a job interview you will be asked if you have any questions for the interviewers. You should always ask at least one question. Not asking questions will give the impression that you aren’t really interested or you aren’t taking the interview seriously. 

It is a good idea to prepare a couple of questions in case the answer to your first question comes up during the interview. After all, asking a question that has already been answered may demonstrate a lack of awareness. 

However, there are some questions you should definitely avoid asking and I’ll cover some of these as well. 

Questions to ask the interviewer 

What are the next steps in the interview process?

Where do you see the company in 5 years time?

Is this a new role? 

Can you tell me more about the team I will be working with?

Are there opportunities for personal development? 

What are the biggest challenges facing the company at the moment? 

Questions to ask employees 

You may have an opportunity to meet the company’s current employees during the interview process. Perhaps you may be taken on a tour of the company, take part in a discussion with staff or even invited to have lunch with them. You may want to ask them some questions either about their role or the company. Remember, they may be asked for their views so make every effort to engage with them. 

How long have you worked here?

What is your favourite part about working here? 

Why did you decide to join the company? 

How would you describe the culture here?

What is a typical day like here?

Questions not to ask 

Don’t wreck your chances of getting the job by asking these questions!

Can I have my own office? – Gives the impression that you will be difficult to work with 

Is it acceptable to leave early if I get my work finished quickly? – Again this makes you appear lazy or awkward!

Do I get a staff discount? – This looks like you are only interested in the job for the benefits 

When will I get a promotion? – You don’t want to appear uninterested in the current job

What is my holiday entitlement? – Wait until you have been offered the job before asking questions like this. 

What is the disciplinary process like? How many warnings before someone is fired? – You certainly don’t want to give the impression you are untrustworthy.