Preparing For A University Interview


After submitting your university application and personal statement, the admissions team may invite you to attend an interview at the university. Universities often use interviews to learn more about applicants and compare those to who they are considering making an offer. This helps them with their decision whether or not to offer a place.

Before your interview, it is wise to spend some time preparing to be in the with the best chance of impressing the interviewer. Here are our tips for preparing for a university interview.

Do Your Research 

Thoroughly research both the University and the course you are applying for. Have a look at the university website, social media pages, news stories and prospectus. Pay particular attention to any course-specific details including entry requirements and course content. 

Be sure to read over your personal statement and familiarise yourself with your experience and skills. However, the interviewer is not expecting you to simply repeat everything you have said in your statement. Instead, use the interview to demonstrate what other skills and abilities you have that make you an ideal student for the course.

You should also be sure to read up on some industry news and current trends relating to your subject. Even if you are not asked about this specifically it will certainly demonstrate your knowledge and interest in the subject if you refer to some examples in your answers.

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Plan Ahead

Before your interview sort out any practical arrangements well in advance. Make sure to read over your interview invitation and any instructions carefully and note down any important details. If your interview is taking place at the university make sure you make a note of the room/building and find out where it is. Most universities have a campus map online meaning you can plan your route in advance. Make sure you work out how you are going to travel there and how long your journey will take. If you are travelling to another city think about whether you will need to arrange accommodation. 

Due to Covid, many university interviews have been taking place online. If you are invited to a virtual interview make sure your laptop is fully charged with a strong Internet connection. Choose a location that is quiet and free from any distractions. Where possible try to choose a plain background and switch off/silence any electronic devices. Read more about virtual interviews here.

Decide what to wear 

Whilst you’re not being assessed solely on your appearance it pays to dress professionally to show that you are taking the interview seriously. There is no need to wear a suit (although you can if you want to) smart trousers and a shirt/blouse or a dress/skirt will be fine. 

However, jeans, T-shirts, shorts or anything casual is probably best avoided. The main thing is to be sure to choose something you will be comfortable in. You are hardly likely to perform your best if you are wearing uncomfortable clothes. 

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