Nursing job interview questions and answers


Preparing for a nursing job interview involves anticipating common questions and formulating well-thought-out responses that demonstrate your skills, experience, and passion for nursing. Here are some common nursing interview questions along with sample answers to help guide you. By preparing thoughtful responses to these common questions, you can demonstrate your qualifications and readiness for a nursing position.

Tell me about yourself

  • Provide a brief overview of your professional background.
  • Highlight relevant experiences and skills.
  • Mention your career goals.

Sample answer:

“I am a registered nurse with five years of experience in the ICU at XYZ Hospital. I have a strong background in critical care, patient management, and emergency response. My passion for nursing began in high school when I volunteered at a local clinic, and since then, I have dedicated myself to providing compassionate, patient-centered care. I am now looking to further my career in a challenging environment where I can utilize my skills and continue to grow professionally.”

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Why did you choose nursing as a career?

  • Share a personal story or inspiration.
  • Emphasize your passion for helping others.
  • Discuss your interest in healthcare.

Sample answer:

“I chose nursing because I have always had a strong desire to help people and make a difference in their lives. When my grandmother was ill, I saw firsthand the impact that compassionate, skilled nurses had on her recovery and our family. This experience inspired me to pursue a career in nursing, where I can combine my interest in science and healthcare with my passion for providing care and support to those in need.”

Can you describe a time when you had to handle a difficult patient?

  • Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method.
  • Focus on your communication and problem-solving skills.
  • Highlight your patience and empathy.

Sample answer:

“One time, I had a patient who was extremely agitated and uncooperative due to severe pain and anxiety. The situation was challenging because he refused to take his medication and became verbally aggressive. I calmly listened to his concerns and validated his feelings, which helped to de-escalate the situation. I then worked with the medical team to adjust his pain management plan, including alternative therapies that he was more comfortable with. By building trust and showing empathy, I was able to help him feel more at ease and comply with his treatment plan.”

How do you handle stress on the job?

Acknowledge the reality of stress in nursing.
Discuss your coping mechanisms.
Highlight your ability to remain calm and focused.

Sample answer:

“Stress is an inherent part of nursing, and over the years, I have developed several strategies to manage it effectively. I prioritize self-care by exercising regularly, practicing mindfulness, and ensuring I get enough rest. On the job, I stay organized by using checklists and prioritizing tasks to manage my workload efficiently. Additionally, I rely on my team and open communication to share the workload and support each other during high-stress situations. These approaches help me stay focused and provide the best care for my patients.”

Why do you want to work at this hospital/clinic?

  • Research the organization beforehand.
  • Mention specific aspects that appeal to you.
  • Align your career goals with the organization’s values and mission.

Sample answer:

“I am particularly drawn to this hospital because of its reputation for excellence in patient care and its commitment to continuous learning and development. I admire the hospital’s innovative approach to healthcare and its focus on community outreach. I believe that working here will provide me with the opportunity to work with a diverse patient population and collaborate with a team of dedicated professionals. Additionally, the hospital’s support for ongoing education aligns perfectly with my goal of pursuing further specialization in critical care nursing.”

How do you ensure accurate and detailed patient records?

  • Emphasize the importance of documentation.
  • Describe your process for maintaining accuracy.
  • Mention any specific tools or practices you use.

Sample answer:

“Accurate and detailed patient records are crucial for effective patient care and communication within the healthcare team. I ensure accuracy by documenting information immediately after patient interactions, double-checking my entries for completeness, and using standardized terminology. I also utilize electronic health record systems to streamline the process and reduce the risk of errors. Additionally, I make it a point to review patient records at the beginning and end of each shift to ensure all information is up-to-date and accurate.”

Describe a situation where you had to work as part of a team.

  • Provide a specific example.
  • Highlight your teamwork and communication skills.
  • Emphasize the outcome of the collaboration.

Sample answer:

“During my time in the ICU, we had a patient who was experiencing multi-organ failure, requiring close collaboration among the medical, surgical, and nursing teams. I worked closely with the physicians to monitor the patient’s condition, administer medications, and adjust treatment plans as needed. We held regular interdisciplinary meetings to discuss the patient’s progress and make informed decisions. Through effective communication and teamwork, we were able to stabilize the patient and eventually discharge them to a lower level of care. This experience reinforced the importance of collaboration in achieving positive patient outcomes.”

What do you consider your greatest strength as a nurse?

  • Reflect on your skills and qualities.
  • Provide examples that demonstrate your strength.
  • Relate your strength to the job requirements.

Sample answer:

“My greatest strength as a nurse is my ability to remain calm and composed under pressure. This quality has been crucial in emergency situations where quick decision-making and clear thinking are essential. For instance, during a code blue, I was able to effectively coordinate with the team, perform CPR, and ensure that all necessary medications and equipment were ready. My calm demeanor helped to maintain an organized and efficient response, ultimately contributing to the patient’s successful resuscitation.”

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