Need a higher survey response rate?: How to get people to fill out your survey


Students often use surveys as part of their research for their coursework. However, all students will know that it isn’t easy to get people to fill out your survey. So here are some tips for getting a better response rate for your surveys.

Share, share and share 

I know it sounds obvious but the best way to get people to fill out your survey is to share it as much as you can.

Post the link on your social media pages, email the link to people, ask your colleagues or fellow students to complete it and ask them all to share it. There are also social media groups dedicated to posting a link to surveys. Just be sure to actually complete a few others as well as sharing your own. 

Ask other people to share it 

Ask your friends, family, colleagues, teachers/lecturers, fellow students or other people you know to share the link to your survey. 

They could share it on their own social media pages or email it to their contacts. 

Put up posters with the link to your survey

Create posters containing the link to your survey (or even better a QR code) and put these up around your school/college/university or in other public places where putting up posters is allowed. 

Just remember some places have rules about putting up posters and you may need to get permission first. 

Share and fill out other people’s surveys 

If you want other people to complete and share your survey you should be willing to return the favour. No one will want to share or complete your survey if they know you have no intention of doing the same for them. 

Ask people in person 

Load your survey up on to a tablet, phone or laptop and walk around campus, your place of work or even your local town centre (double-check if this is allowed) and ask people if they could spare a couple of minutes to complete your survey. 

However, be careful not to annoy people and respect people’s wishes if they say no. 

Consider offering an incentive 

If you are happy to spend a bit of money you could offer people an incentive to complete your survey. Perhaps you could enter everyone who completes your survey into a prize draw to win a voucher or even cash. 

Some people may feel more encouraged to take part if they realise they could possibly win something.