Making The Most of University Offer Holder Days


If you have applied to a university or received offers you may be invited to attend an offer holder day (some universities may call this an applicant day). This is an opportunity for you to visit the university, find out more information about the course and meet the staff who will be teaching you. Unlike open days which include the entire university and every single course offer holder days focus specifically on your chosen degree programme. Therefore it is likely to be much more in-depth and tailored towards the subject area.

If you have applied to more than one university you may be invited to an offer holder day at each university. You should try to attend all of them as this could help you make your final decision when it comes to accepting any offers.

It is likely you will be allowed to take a guest with you so have a think about whether you would like someone to go with you such as your parents, another family member or a friend.

Attend any talks, information sessions or course tasters

An offer holder day is likely to include subject-specific activities such as talks from staff and current students, Q&A sessions, tours of facilities or possibly the opportunity to attend a short course taster (especially if the course is practical).

This is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the course, how you will be taught and assessed and what sort of environment you will be learning in. Try to imagine what an average day or week will be like for you and whether you think you will fit in.

Think about any specific questions you may have

Have a think about any questions you have about the course or the university. Try to do this beforehand and write them down if you will find this helpful. Of course, you may think of additional questions during the day which you can also ask.

It is likely you will the opportunity to ask questions during a formal Q&A session or at the end of the main presentation or subject talk. However, there may also be opportunities to ask questions more casually such as during campus tours or whilst chatting to current students. Some people may be more comfortable asking questions in a casual environment on a one on one basis instead of in front of a large audience.

university offer holder days
Chat to current students about their views and experience of the course

Talk to current students

If you get the chance to, have a chat with students who are currently studying the course. It is likely there will be student representatives available during the day perhaps to take you on a tour of the campus or give a talk to applicants.

Current students will be able to offer a realistic insight into the course, exams and assignments and about life at the university. They will also be able to offer advice about studying, meeting new people and good places to spend your free time.

Have a look around the campus and the city

The offer holder day is also a great opportunity for you to explore the campus and the surrounding city. Check out the university library, accommodation, student union and other facilities available for students. Have a walk around the city as well and see what shops, places to eat and relax are nearby.

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