Job interview what ifs and their answers


Job interviews can be pretty nerve-wracking and it’s ok to feel anxious. As well as thinking about how you will answer the questions and impress the interviewer you may also be asking yourself lots of other questions. I think it’s safe to say many of these will begin with ‘what if?’ Thankfully we’ve gathered some of the most common job interview ‘what ifs’ and answered them for you.

What if I realise that I am going to be late? 

Whilst you should make every effort to get to a job interview on time, unfortunately, some things may happen which means you will be late. Broken down cars or buses, traffic delays or even emergencies are completely outside of your control however the important thing is how you rescue the situation. 

As soon as you realise you are going to be late, phone the interviewer or their company to apologise and let them know what has happened. Try to give an estimated time of arrival however be prepared for them to ask you to reschedule. 

When you arrive, apologise again for being late but don’t overdo the apology. You don’t want this to hang over the entire interview. Focus on answering the questions and showing them that you are the best person for the job. 

Hopefully, the interviewer will see that you have made a real effort to get there (instead of giving up, phoning to cancel and then heading home) which shows that you are dedicated. 

What if I cannot find the building/room number?

A couple of days before the interview you should research the location and plan how you are going to travel there. Ideally, you should do a practice run especially if it’s an area of town you are unfamiliar with. When you visit, identify the main entrance, the car park or where the nearest bus stop/train station is. 

You will have been told in advance where the interview will take place. If it is for a retail or hospitality job the interview is likely to take place in-store or in the restaurant, cafe, pub, hotel etc unless they tell you otherwise. 

For interviews that are taking place in an office environment, you should approach the main reception when you arrive and let them know that you are here for an interview and who with. They will direct you to where you need to go or ask someone to come and meet you. 

Let the interviewer know if you are going to be late

What if I do not know how to answer a question?

Your answer does not always need to relate to work experience. When searching for possible answers you could also consider experiences involving your education,  volunteering or extracurricular activities. 

If you are genuinely stuck for an answer it is better to say so than make something up. Experienced interviewers can tell when a candidate is lying. Instead, ask a follow-up question or offer a slightly different answer. For example, if you are asked how you handled a difficult customer and you’ve never experienced this you could offer to explain how you dealt with problems with coworkers. 

Do not just say “I don’t know” and leave it that. 

Read more about job interview questions here

What if I mess up one of my answers to a question?

If you realise that you have made a mistake when answering a question or become flustered, acknowledge this and rephrase what you are saying. You could say something like “That did not come across as I intended, please let me try again”. This may actually show the interviewer that you have a strong sense of awareness. 

Do not less this affect the rest of the interview. If you keep thinking about it, it will only put you off for the remainder of the interview and it may impact the rest of your performance. 

What if I become overwhelmed with nerves? 

Remember the interviewer will understand that you are nervous. Nerves show that you are taking the interview seriously and that it means a lot to you.  

Takes some slow deep breaths. If a glass of water is provided take a couple of sips to give you time to compose yourself and regather your thoughts. 

Try to make yourself feel confident by displaying confidence. Sit up straight in your chair with your feet flat on the ground. Keep your hands visible and use them whilst speaking. 

Before the interview, you should ensure that you use the bathroom, avoid drinking caffeine and make sure you have something to eat so you are not going in on an empty stomach. 

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