Interview with a business student


Gemma is a 3rd-year business management student in Edinburgh.

Why did you decide to study business management?

It was my favourite subject when I was in high school and it was one I really excelled at. I knew from around 4th year of secondary school that I wanted to study business at university and further my knowledge.

What is your favourite thing about studying business management?

I really enjoy learning about all areas of a business such as finance, human resources, marketing, operations management and entrepreneurship. Studying them all at the same time means we can understand how they all link up with each other and together make up an entire business.

My course also has lots of industry links so we always have people who work for all different kinds of organisations come in to deliver guest lectures or workshops. This means we can see how the stuff we are learning at university is used in a real company.

Describe your typical day at university as a business management student

Due to Covid, most of my learning is still taking place online although I do have some in-person classes now. My lectures are still online, some of them are pre-recorded and others are live on zoom.

Before Covid happened, I was on campus almost every day attending lectures and seminars. For every module, I usually have two lectures and one seminar per week. In between lectures, I usually went to the library with my friends to study or prepare for assessments.

What advice would give to someone who was thinking about studying business management?

Start keeping an eye on what is happening in the business world as this is valuable information when you are studying at university level. Even have a quick scan of the business news section or have a look at some organisation’s social media pages to see what they are up to.

It really helps me put theory into practice if I think of a real-life example that I can apply to the theory I am studying. Plus a lot of lecturers will talk about current business news during class and will sometimes ask students for their views.

If you start following the business world now you can start to develop your own views and opinions about what is happening and why. This way you’ll find it easier when you get to uni.

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