How to write your dissertation acknowledgements


The acknowledgements section of your dissertation is an opportunity to thank the people who have helped and supported you throughout the process of writing your dissertation. 

This section is typically included at the beginning of your dissertation although this depends on any guidelines set by the university about how students should structure their dissertation. 

Who should you acknowledge? 

There are typically two types of acknowledgements – professional and personal. 

Professional acknowledges are people who have contributed to the completion of your research such as: 

  • Your dissertation supervisor 
  • People who took part in your research (although there is no need to name them all) 
  • Any professional bodies or organisations who supported your research
  • Your professors and lecturers 

You should always thank your supervisor in the acknowledgements even if you feel they did not support you or contribute. If you decide to leave them out it may be seen as rudeness or unprofessional. 

Remember, to use academic titles when referring to university staff members such as Professor, Dr, Mr or Mrs. Even if you know them by first name, when writing your dissertation, it is customary to use formal titles. 

As a rule, professional acknowledgements are usually mentioned before personal acknowledgements. 

Personal acknowledgements are people who supported you whilst you were writing your dissertation such as parents, siblings, partners, other family members and friends.  Generally speaking, you can thank anyone who supported you in any way shape or form whilst you were carrying out your research. 

Some people choose to dedicate their dissertation to someone who has been a major support or influence in their life. 

More Like This: How to write your dissertation abstract

How to write your acknowledgements 

Whilst your dissertation will be written using formal academic language, it’s perfectly fine to use a more informal tone for the acknowledgements section. 

The acknowledgements section is typically 2-3 paragraphs and certainly no more than one page. Whilst it’s important to say thank you to the people who have helped you, there is no need to overdo it. 

Begin your acknowledgements by expressing your appreciation to the individuals who have contributed to your dissertation. Mention the individuals by name and explain how they have helped you. For example, you can thank your supervisor for their guidance and support, your family for their encouragement, and your friends for their emotional support.

Phrases to use in the acknowledgements 

I offer my deepest thanks and gratitude to..

My deepest appreciation to …

A very special thank you to…

I am very grateful to …

Someone who always supported me is …

Example acknowledgements 

I would like to thank everyone who supported me throughout the process of writing this dissertation. Firstly, I offer my deepest thanks and gratitude to my supervisor Professor Jane Smith for her guidance and feedback. I would also like to thank my professors and tutors for their knowledge and expertise. 

I am also grateful to the individuals who kindly agreed to take part in the research interviews. 

Lastly, I thank my parents and younger brothers for their support and encouragement throughout the process of writing this dissertation and my four years at university.

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