How to use social media responsibly


Social media is so easily accessible nowadays with nearly half of the population being a social media user. Social media has brought many benefits to society and has allowed the entire world to become connected. However, it is important to use social media safely and responsibly to avoid the consequences of irresponsible use. 

I have created a list of ten top tips to help you use social media responsibly. 

1. Think before you post. If the post is insulting, offensive, contains private or sensitive information or is harmful/ threatening do not post it. Remember once it has been uploaded it will always be there even if you delete it. 

2. Absolutely do not post any illegal, explicit or violent content. Consider steering clear of foul language as well. 

3. Avoid becoming involved in online arguments. In the first instance, it is none of your business and secondly, you may end up involved in an even bigger dispute. 

4. Do not post pictures of people without asking for permission and respect their wishes if they say no. Definitely do not post pictures that are inappropriate, offensive or embarrassing. 

5. Do not just accept anyone as a friend on social media. Whilst having hundreds or even thousands of friends on Facebook may sound like a good thing, you should not accept friend requests from people you do not know. A good way to think about it is if we do not know each other, why are they sending me a friend request? This should flag up suspicions. 

6. Do not spend hours each day checking your social media. 

7. Do not make hurtful or insulting comments on other people’s posts. 

8. Make use of privacy and security features. You can make your profile private so only your friends can see everything on it. 

9. Do not post images, videos or content that is not yours or without the permission of the owner. 

10. Remember nothing is private on the internet. Anyone can see and share what you have posted. They can take a screenshot of it or save a copy. Even deleting something does not mean it will be gone forever. 

You do not want to regret posting something several years down the line. This can have serious consequences in the future especially in terms of employment.