How to use LinkedIn’s Open To Work feature


LinkedIn’s “Open to Work” feature allows users to discreetly signal their job-seeking status to recruiters. By enabling this feature, you can specify your job preferences, such as the type of job you’re seeking, location, and availability. LinkedIn then adds a green #OpenToWork banner to your profile picture, making it visible to recruiters and helping you connect with relevant job opportunities. This feature aims to strike a balance between job hunting and maintaining professionalism, as it doesn’t explicitly notify your entire network, including your current employer.

How to use LinkedIn’s open to work feature

  1. Go to your LinkedIn profile.
  2. Click on the “Open to” tab, then select “Finding a new job.”
  3. Fill in details like job preferences, location, and availability.
  4. Optionally, add a #OpenToWork photo frame.
  5. Click “Share profile” to notify your network discreetly.

This signals to recruiters that you’re open to job opportunities without broadcasting it to your current employer.

What are the benefits of LinkedIn’s open to work feature?

The advantages of using LinkedIn’s “Open to Work” feature include:

Increased visibility: The #OpenToWork banner on your profile picture signals to recruiters that you are actively seeking job opportunities, potentially increasing your visibility to relevant employers.

Targeted outreach: You can specify your job preferences, helping recruiters understand your ideal role, location, and availability. This allows for more targeted and relevant job opportunities.

Discreet job search: Unlike public posts or status updates, this feature discreetly communicates your job-seeking status. It’s visible to recruiters without broadcasting to your entire network, which can be important if you’re currently employed.

Networking opportunities: Recruiters often search for candidates using the #OpenToWork filter, providing you with additional networking opportunities and potential connections within your industry.

Support from LinkedIn: LinkedIn has features in place to prioritize and support users who are actively searching for jobs, potentially leading to increased engagement with job-related content and opportunities.

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Remember, while this feature offers advantages, it’s essential to continue networking, updating your profile, and actively engaging with relevant content to maximize your job search success on LinkedIn.

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