How to speak confidently in public


Public speaking is something that lots of people dread, whether it be delivering a university presentation or speaking in front of a large crowd. However, developing strong public speaking skills is a great way to boost your employability and build more self-confidence. 

By following these tips, you can improve your public speaking skills and feel more confident when delivering presentations in front of others.

Know your audience

Research your audience to understand their interests, needs, and expectations. Tailor your speech to your audience, and try to engage them with relevant stories, anecdotes, and examples. Your audience’s preferred style usually depends on the setting – for instance giving a speech at a party will be different to delivering a presentation at university. 

Speak clearly and slowly

Take your time and enunciate your words. Speak at a pace that allows your audience to understand and process your words. Speaking slowly and clearly helps your audience to understand your message. Ensure you enunciate your words and vary your tone and pitch to keep your audience engaged.

Use confident and open body language, stand up straight, maintain eye contact, and use gestures to emphasize key points.

Use visual aids

The use of visual aids can help you deliver a more effective presentation that is engaging, memorable, and informative. This is because visual aids like slides, diagrams, and videos enhance your presentation and help you stay on track. Visual aids can help clarify complex information, making it easier for your audience to understand and retain the information you are presenting.


Practice your speech several times, so you feel confident about the flow and timing of your presentation. Practising a speech can also help build confidence by allowing you to become more familiar with the material, improve your delivery, and make any necessary adjustments. This can help you overcome the nervousness and anxiety that often comes with public speaking.

Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques

Deep breathing exercises and mindfulness practices can help calm your nerves before speaking. Also, avoid caffeine and sugar before your presentation, as they can increase your anxiety levels.

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