How to respond to an email job interview invitation


When you apply for a job the next step is to wait for an invitation to interview. Employers often use email to communicate with candidates and issue invitations to interviews. 

The email is likely to include: 

  • Confirmation of the job title 
  • Date of interview 
  • Location of interview 
  • Type of interview I.e in-person, panel, group, telephone or video interview 
  • Name of the person/s interviewing you 
  • Time of interview (you may be given a few options to choose from)
  • Any special instructions such as a task to prepare 

Remember, this may be the first time you are communicating with the interviewer. Set the right tone and leave the right impression to increase your chances of being offered the job. 

Try to send your response as soon as possible to demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment to the role. 

  • Start off by thanking the interviewer for the invitation
  • Confirm your attendance at the interview 
  • Reiterate your interest in the job and the company 
  • If they have asked you to select a time choose the best option and let them know 
  • Close professionally 

More Like This: Declining a job interview

Example email

Dear Mrs Smith, 

Thank you for inviting me to an interview for the position of purchasing assistant. I am very interested in the position and I look forward to meeting you on Wednesday 6th July at 10AM. 

If you require any further information from me please let me know. 

Yours sincerely, 

Sarah Jones

What if you cannot attend at their suggested time? 

If you genuinely cannot attend at their suggested time you should let the interviewer know as soon as possible. This gives them plenty of time to offer you a new date or time. Remember, the interviewer will likely have set aside some time in their diary for the interviews and may have several candidates to see. By giving them plenty of notice you have a much better chance of them being able to offer a new time.

When writing your email be sure to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role. It is also a good idea to suggest some dates and times when you will be available for an interview.

Dear Mrs Smith, 

Thank you for inviting me to an interview for the role of purchasing assistant. I am very interested in this position and I look forward to discussing how I can add value to the finance department. 

Due to a prior commitment, I am unable to attend on Wednesday 6th July at 10AM. Would it be possible to meet on Thursday 7th July or Tuesday 5th July? 

I apologise for the inconvenience however I am excited about this opportunity and I hope we are able to reschedule at a mutually convenient time. 

Yours sincerely, 

Sarah Jones

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