How to reach out to someone on LinkedIn about a job


When reaching out to someone on LinkedIn about a job, it’s important to approach the conversation professionally and respectfully. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to effectively reach out to someone on LinkedIn about a job:

Research the person

Start by researching the person you want to reach out to and the company they work for. Understand their role, their background, and any potential connections or common interests you may have.

Personalise your message

Avoid sending generic or spammy messages. Instead, personalize your outreach to show genuine interest. Mention specific details, such as a recent article they shared or a project they worked on, to demonstrate that you’ve done your homework.

Introduce yourself

Begin your message with a polite greeting and introduce yourself briefly. Mention your name, your professional background, and your current job or studies. Make it clear why you are reaching out and explain your interest in their company or a specific job opportunity.

Explain your purpose

Clearly state the reason for your message. Explain why you are interested in the job and what skills or qualifications you possess that make you a suitable candidate. Highlight any relevant experience or achievements that align with the position or the company’s values.

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Show enthusiasm

Express your genuine enthusiasm for the company and the potential opportunity. Explain why you believe you would be a good fit and how your skills can contribute to their success. Be positive and confident in your language without sounding overly pushy or desperate.

Request a conversation

Politely ask if they would be willing to have a conversation or provide further guidance. This could be in the form of an informational interview, where you seek advice and insights about their career or the company. Respect their time and offer flexibility in scheduling the conversation.

Closing your message 

Conclude your message with a polite closing, thanking them for their time and consideration. Include your contact information and invite them to reach out if they have any questions or require additional details. Sign off with your name.

Follow up

f you don’t receive a response within a week or two, it’s acceptable to send a follow-up message as a gentle reminder. Keep it short, polite, and reiterate your interest in connecting. However, avoid repeatedly reaching out if you still don’t receive a response.

Example message 

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company]. I came across your profile on LinkedIn and was impressed by your extensive experience and contributions in the field.

I have recently completed my [Degree/Program] in [Relevant Field] from [University/Institution]. During my studies, I developed a strong passion for [specific area or aspect of the field] and have been following the work of [Company] with great admiration. The innovative projects and commitment to [core value or mission of the company] have truly inspired me.

I believe that my skills and qualifications align well with the requirements of the [Job Title] position. I have [mention specific relevant experience or skills], which I believe would enable me to make valuable contributions to [Company]. I am particularly drawn to the [specific aspect of the company or role] and am eager to apply my knowledge in this area.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to speak with you further about the [Job Title] position and learn more about the team and the company culture. If it would be possible, I would be grateful for a brief informational interview to gain insights into your experience at [Company] and any advice you may have for someone starting their career in this field.

Thank you for taking the time to read my message and should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

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