How to professionally decline a job offer


Receiving a job offer is usually fantastic news especially if you’ve been through a lengthy and challenging recruitment process. However, there may be times when you have doubts about whether or not to accept the offer. This can be for a number of reasons and it’s understandable to feel stressed or anxious. But remember, regardless of what stage of your career you are at you are allowed to change your mind. 

However, before declining a job offer take some time to ensure this is the right decision. This is a huge decision to make and it is unlikely you’ll be able to change your mind. 

If you decide to decline a job offer here is how to do so professionally. 

Be respectful and show appreciation 

As with any form of communication with a hiring manager, use professional language and be respectful throughout. After all, you never know when you may meet the hiring manager again for instance at a networking event or if you apply to the organisation in the future. 

Remember, the employer will have spent a great deal of time and money on the recruitment process and the hiring manager spent time reviewing your CV/application and interviewing you. Be sure to thank them and express appreciation for them meeting you and offering you the position. 

More Like This: How to decline a job interview

Let them know in good time 

Most of the time an employer will contact you by phone to offer you the job (they should also follow up in writing). If you have already decided to decline the offer you can let them know straight away if you are comfortable having this conversation over the phone. Start by thanking them for offering you the role however regretfully and after careful consideration, you have decided not to accept the offer. 

Quite often when an employer makes you an offer, you will be given some time to think about it. Remember, nothing is confirmed until you have signed your contract. If you later decide to decline the offer let them know immediately. Do not wait until the deadline for you to respond and don’t consider not bothering to respond at all. 

Explain your reasons for declining 

Whilst you don’t need to go into specific details you should outline the reason you are declining the job. This can be useful information for the employer as it may help them improve their recruitment process going forward and better understand the job market in general. 

Some reasons for declining include: 

  • You have received another job offer
  • You don’t feel you will be a good fit at the company 
  • The salary offered didn’t meet your expectations 
  • The commute is too long and unmanageable 
  • Personal circumstances 

Example email declining a job offer

Dear Mr Smith,

Thank you very much for offering me the role of Human Resources Officer at ABC Ltd. After careful consideration, I have decided that the role is not the right fit for me.

I appreciate the opportunity and your consideration of me for the position. I wish you all the very best in finding a suitable candidate.

Yours sincerely,

Emma Wilson

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