How to impress your dissertation supervisor


When writing your dissertation you will be allocated a supervisor whose role it is to support and guide you throughout the process of writing your dissertation. They will provide feedback on each chapter draft and likely grade your final submission. By showing a strong work ethic, good organisational skills, and a positive attitude, you can make a good impression on your dissertation supervisor and increase your chances of success in your research.

There are several ways to impress your dissertation supervisor, including:

Be prepared and organised 

Research and read extensively about your topic, and come to meetings with well-prepared questions and ideas. Keep accurate records of your research, notes, and drafts, and provide regular updates to your supervisor. 

This demonstrates to your supervisor that you are taking responsibility for your work which will likely give them a high level of confidence in your overall potential. 

Act on feedback

Listen carefully to feedback and guidance from your supervisor. It is likely you will receive feedback after submitting each chapter so take careful note of their suggestions. Take constructive criticism seriously, and use it to improve your work and address any concerns or issues that arise.

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Communicate effectively

Clearly articulate your ideas and progress to your supervisor, and be responsive to their questions and concerns. Whilst you will likely have monthly or 6 weekly meetings with your supervisor, you will remain in regular email contact. Be sure to respond to any emails from your supervisor in good time. 

Be professional and respectful 

Show respect and professionalism in your communication and interactions with your supervisor. Remember, they are busy academic members of staff who have agreed to supervise you on top of their other teaching commitments. 

Follow the guidelines and deadlines

Understand the guidelines and requirements of your dissertation and meet the deadlines accordingly. Each university will have its own rules and regulations when it comes to dissertations so make sure you familiarise yourself with these. 

Whilst the university will likely set the final submission date, you and your supervisor will agree on deadlines for submitting chapters to them for review. Be sure to commit to this schedule and fulfil any obligations you agree to. If due to personal circumstances, you will struggle with a particular deadline, it’s best to discuss this with your supervisor. They will be able to offer the right support and guidance to find a way forward. 

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