How to describe yourself in 3 words


When asked to describe yourself in three words during a job interview, it’s important to choose words that reflect your qualifications and personality traits relevant to the job you’re applying for. Sometimes, this question is used as an icebreaker to make candidates feel more comfortable before delving into more detailed questions.

Interviewers use this question to gain a quick understanding of who you are, both professionally and personally, and to determine if you’re a good fit for their organization and the specific role they’re hiring for. Your answer also provides a glimpse into your self-awareness. It shows whether you have a clear understanding of your own strengths and qualities.

Here is how to answer ‘describe yourself in 3 words’:

Choose relevant adjectives: Select three adjectives that directly relate to the job and align with the company’s values and culture. Consider the job description and the qualities they are seeking in a candidate.

Provide evidence: After listing the adjectives, follow up with brief examples or evidence that supports each adjective. This makes your response more compelling and gives the interviewer concrete information to work with.

Do not lie: Avoid choosing words that are not true simply because you think it’s what the interviewer wants to hear. You may get caught out further down the line. 

Here are some example responses: 

Customer-focused, Empathetic, Communication

“I’m customer-focused, always striving to exceed customer expectations and deliver outstanding service. My empathetic nature helps me understand and connect with customers on a personal level. Strong communication skills allow me to effectively convey information and resolve concerns.”

Inquisitive, Lifelong Learner, Tech-savvy

“I’m naturally inquisitive, always eager to learn and explore new concepts. As a lifelong learner, I actively seek opportunities for personal and professional growth. I’m also tech-savvy, staying up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies relevant to my field.” 

More Like This: How to talk about weaknesses during a job interview

Analytical, Results-driven, Problem-solver

“I’m analytical, which helps me break down complex problems into manageable parts. I’m results-driven, and always focused on achieving goals and exceeding expectations. As a problem-solver, I thrive in challenging situations and find innovative solutions.”

Creative, Collaborative, Innovative

“I’m creative, which allows me to think outside the box and come up with fresh ideas. I’m collaborative and enjoy working with diverse teams to bring these ideas to life. My innovative mindset has led to process improvements and creative projects in my previous roles.”

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