How to de-stress after a job interview


Once you’re done with a job interview, you’ll want to immediately de-stress. After all, it’s understandable that you’ll experience some post-interview anxiety where you will want to scrutinise everything you said and did. The anxiety you felt before and during the interview will not automatically disappear once the interview is over. 

Thankfully, there are some things you can do to help you de-stress after a job interview. 

Try not to overanalyse the interview 

It’s tempting to want to spend time thinking about the interview and analysing everything you think went well and what you think didn’t go well. You may want to scrutinise every answer you gave and the interviewer’s responses. Whilst it’s ok to review your performance to identify ways you can improve your skills, spending too much time thinking about it will drive you crazy. 

Take some time to relax

Re-focus your energy on an activity that will help you relax. Watch some television, spend time with friends/family, go for dinner or whatever helps you relax. Anything that will take your mind away from thinking about the interview will help you feel better. 


Burn off some of your nervous energy after an interview by undertaking some exercise. Head to the gym, attend a fitness class, go for a run or get together with your friends/family for a game of football. Get rid of some of the stress you’ve been carrying around with a good workout. 

More Like This: Sending a thank you letter after a job interview 


Laughing is one of the best things you can do to cheer up. Watch a comedy film, spend time with a friend who can make you laugh, watch some hilarious YouTube videos or anything else that will make you laugh. 

Get some sleep

Just like it’s important to get a good night’s sleep the night before a job interview, it’s also important to get some sleep after an interview. After experiencing what is bound to have been a stressful day, getting a good night’s sleep can help you recover and give your brain a rest. 

A couple of hours before going to bed do something relaxing such as reading a book, listening to some music or going for a nice bubble bath. Try to stay away from screens at least an hour before going to bed and avoid stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol. 

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