How to close a job interview


Everyone knows that first impressions are very important when it comes to job interviews. But what about last impressions? Once the interviewer has asked you their questions and you have had an opportunity to ask yours, all that is left to do is wrap up the interview. 

The interviewer may offer some details such as the next steps i.e a second interview or when you can expect to hear back. After this, you should end your conversation with the interviewer with a strong closing statement. 

An impactful closing statement should not only thank the interviewer for meeting you but reiterate your interest in joining the company. 

Job interview closing statements

Here are some examples of job interview closing statements. You may of course wish to adapt these slightly based on the role and your own preference. 

“Thank you for inviting me to the interview, it was great to meet you. I am looking forward to hearing from you”

“Thank you for meeting me. I am really excited about this opportunity and I believe I would be a great fit for the role. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any more questions”

“I am grateful for the opportunity to meet you today. Is there anything else you would like me to confirm?

“Thank you for meeting me, I appreciate the opportunity to learn more about the position and get to know [name of company]. I look forward to hearing about the next steps”

“Thank you for inviting me to be interviewed for this position. I have enjoyed learning more about the role and I believe I can bring value to [name of company]. I am eager to learn about the next steps. 

Don’t forget about body language. Maintain good eye contact with the interviewer as you are making your closing statement. As you are leaving, offer a firm handshake. 

More Like This: What to do if you don’t hear back after a job interview

What else should you do after an interview?

Creating a strong lasting impression is not just limited to your closing statement. You can further show your appreciation to the interviewer for meeting you by following up with a thank you letter. This can also reiterate your interest in the role and remind the interviewer of your suitability for the position. Learn more about sending a thank you letter after an interview here. 

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