How to cancel a job interview


When applying for jobs there may be an occasion when you need to cancel an interview. Whatever the reason for this, it is important that you maintain a positive relationship with the employer. This article will explain how to cancel a job interview with some example emails.

When should you cancel an interview?

  • You have been offered another job
  • You have researched the company and decided you are no longer interested in the job
  • You have decided to stay in your current job
  • The company’s location is not convenient for you to travel to
  • Changes to your personal circumstances

How to cancel a job interview by email

Be sure that you really want to cancel the interview

Before emailing to cancel make sure you are absolutely sure this is what you want to do. If you are having doubts but still aren’t 100% sure it’s probably worth going along anyway. Attending the interview and speaking to the staff are great ways to help you decide whether the role is right for you. Plus, if you are just at the beginning of your career it’s always good to get interview experience.

Give them as much notice as possible

Once you have decided to cancel a job interview and you are absolutely certain that is what you want to do, contact the interviewer as soon as possible to let them know. If you are cancelling at least a day in advance you can contact them by email. See below for an example email. However, if you need to cancel an interview at the last minute it is best to contact them by phone. This ensures they receive the message in good time.

Do not consider simply not turning up to the interview at all. Not only is this extremely rude and disrespectful but could also hinder your chances of future employment with the company. Just because you are turning down an interview with them at the moment does not mean you won’t end up applying for a job there in the future.

More Like This: How to respond to an email job interview invitation

Be professional

Even though you don’t need to go into specific details about your reasons for cancelling you should still be respectful and gracious. Be sure to thank the interviewer for having considered you in the first place and for inviting you to the interview. Apologise for having to cancel and for any inconvenience caused.

By being polite you will not ruin your chances should you apply for a role with the company in the future.

Example emails

Example 1

Dear Mr Wilson,

Thank you for inviting me to the interview for the purchasing assistant vacancy. However, I would like to withdraw my application and cancel the interview on Tuesday 27th September at 1PM.

Thank you for considering me for the role and I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Yours sincerely,

Laura Jones

Example 2

Dear Miss Andrews,

Thank you for inviting me to the interview for the payroll administrator vacancy at ABC Ltd scheduled for Wednesday 28th September at 9:30AM. I am writing to let you know that I would like to cancel the interview and withdraw my application.

I appreciate your consideration of me for the role and I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Smith

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