How to build a strong LinkedIn profile


Just like you would with your CV, it’s important to build a strong LinkedIn profile that stands you out to current and future managers, colleagues and just about anyone who will get to know you professionally. Think of it as a personal marketing platform. 

This article will take you through how to build an impressive LinkedIn profile that stands out and showcases your skills, experience and accomplishments. 

Create a professional profile picture

Use a professional headshot as your profile picture and avoid using selfies or casual photos. Dress appropriately and avoid anything too casual. Overall, a good profile photo should be professional, recent, well-lit, and have a headshot that accurately represents you.

Strong headline 

Your LinkedIn headline appears directly under your name on your profile. Write a clear and concise headline that summarises your current job and top skills. Try to use strategic words here that are relevant to your role and industry. Think about what someone would type into LinkedIn if they were searching for someone in your industry/role. 

More Like This: How to use LinkedIn Easy Apply

Profile summary

Write a detailed summary that highlights your professional experience, skills, and achievements. A summary section appears at the top of your profile and is a chance for you to provide an introduction to yourself and your professional life. As well as outlining your career history and relevant qualifications highlighting your areas of specialism and expertise. 

List your current and past job positions, including the responsibilities and accomplishments

The experience section of your profile is a chance for you to share your current and previous employment. Unlike your CV where you need to be concise, your LinkedIn profile is a chance to be more descriptive about your role and responsibilities. List your key responsibilities focusing on those that are most valuable to potential future employers and any specific achievements such as: 

  • Delivered a key project 
  • Increased sales
  • Mentoring 
  • Awards received 

Include links to your portfolio, website or blog

If you have your own blog, website or online portfolio detailing your previous work, add the link to your LinkedIn profile. This is another platform in which people can get to know you and see examples of your work.

Include volunteer or community involvement

Highlighting any volunteering or community work you have been involved with can help people learn more about you and provide future employers with another reason to hire you. Even if this does not relate directly to your work, volunteering still demonstrates a strong worth ethic and additional skills. 

Get endorsements and recommendations from your colleagues and past supervisors

A LinkedIn endorsement is when one of your connections endorses the skills that you have listed on your profile. Make sure your profile includes a comprehensive list of the skills you have and reach out to your colleagues, fellow students and past managers and ask them to endorse you for specific skills. 

Endorsements strengthen your profile and make you more discoverable to job opportunities that match your profile. 

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