How to answer ‘why did you choose to study your degree?’


At a job interview, the employer may ask you about your educational background and reasons for studying for a particular degree. When answering the question ‘why did you choose to study your degree?’ it’s essential to highlight your passion, relevant skills, and how your degree aligns with the position you’re applying for. 

Why do employers ask this question?

Employers ask this question to gauge your level of enthusiasm and dedication towards the field. They want to determine if you have a genuine interest in the subject matter and if you are likely to be motivated and engaged in the work related to your degree. They also want to assess how well your educational background aligns with the requirements of the job. This is because they are interested in understanding whether the knowledge and skills you gained during your studies are directly applicable to the position and if your degree provides a solid foundation for success in the role.

Explain your enthusiasm for the subject 

Begin answering ‘why did you choose to study your degree?’ by expressing your enthusiasm for the field of study you pursued. Mention what initially sparked your interest and how your passion grew over time. This demonstrates your genuine interest and dedication.

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Highlight relevant skills and knowledge

Discuss the specific skills, knowledge, and experiences you gained during your degree program that make you well-suited for the job you’re applying for. Emphasise how your studies have equipped you with the necessary tools to excel in the role.

Connect your degree to the job

Explain how your degree aligns with the responsibilities and requirements of the position you’re interviewing for. Showcase the relevance of your educational background and how it complements the specific industry or job role.

Discuss long-term goals

Share your future aspirations and how your degree plays a crucial role in achieving those goals. This demonstrates your commitment to continuous growth and development in the field.

Example answer

I chose to study Computer Science because I have always been fascinated by technology and its potential to transform the world we live in. This curiosity led me to explore programming and delve deeper into the field of Computer Science.

During my degree, I gained valuable skills such as software development, data structures, and algorithms, which I believe directly apply to this position. I had the opportunity to work on various projects, including building web applications and implementing machine learning algorithms. These experiences honed my problem-solving abilities and provided me with a solid foundation to excel in the tech industry. I am eager to apply my knowledge and skills to make meaningful contributions while continuously growing and staying abreast of emerging technologies.

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