How to answer ‘tell me about your hobbies’ at a job interview


When asked about your hobbies during a job interview, it’s important to remember that the employer is not just looking for a list of your favourite ways to pass the time. They’re trying to understand who you are as a person, what motivates you, and whether you might be an excellent cultural fit for the company. 

There are various ways the interviewer could word this question including:

  • Tell me about your hobbies and interests
  • How do you relax?
  • What do you do in your spare time?

Here are some tips on how to answer ‘tell me about your hobbies’ effectively:

Be honest and specific

 Don’t just say “I like to read” or “I enjoy sports.” Be specific about the types of books you like to read or the sports you enjoy playing or watching. This will help the interviewer better understand your personality and interests.

Also, resist the temptation to make anything up. Remember, it’s very easy for employers to check anything you say. Plus, they can also ask follow-up questions.

Highlight any relevant hobbies

If you have any hobbies that relate to the job you’re applying for be sure to mention them. For example, if you volunteer as a football coach and the job involves leading a team you can show that you have some experience working with others and leading a team. 

Also, be sure to explain the skills you’ve developed. Many hobbies require skills that can be transferable to the workplace, such as time management, teamwork, or attention to detail. If you’ve developed any of these skills through your hobbies, mention them.

More Like This: Should you add hobbies and interests to your CV?

Keep it brief and professional 

While it’s important to provide some detail about your hobbies, don’t go on for too long. Keep your answer brief and to the point, and don’t let it take up too much of the interview time. 

Talk about your hobbies with enthusiasm and passion. This will help demonstrate your positive attitude and energy, which can be valuable in any job. Also, keep your answer professional. Avoid mentioning hobbies that are controversial or sensitive. 

Examples of hobbies you could mention: 

  • Volunteering 
  • Sports (including coaching a team)
  • Music
  • Travelling or outdoor activities 
  • Reading 
  • Art

Example answer

In my spare time, I volunteer with a local youth charity. Here I am responsible for organising activities and leading workshops for young people to help them learn new skills. This is very rewarding as it allows me to contribute to my local community and meet new people. I have also been able to develop skills in leadership and time management which I can contribute to this role. 

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