How to answer ‘How would your coworkers describe you?’


At a job interview, you may be asked ‘how would your coworkers describe you?’ Being asked this question is a great opportunity for you to highlight your key skills and demonstrate why you are a good match for the role. 

This question can be asked in several different ways including: 

“If I were to contact your current manager, how would they describe you?” 

“How would your friends describe you?” 

“What would your coworkers say about you?”

Why do employers ask this question? 

Employers are looking to gain an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. By asking about how your co-workers would describe you, employers gain a more comprehensive understanding of your interpersonal skills, work style, and potential fit within their team and organization. It helps them evaluate your ability to collaborate, communicate, and contribute positively to the workplace.

Plus, asking this question allows the employer to assess your self-perception and how well you can assess your own skills and qualities. 

How to structure your answer

Be honest

It is important to be honest when answering this question. The interviewer will be genuinely looking to find out more about your personality traits and your skillset to determine if these are the right match for the role. 

It is easy for the interviewer to tell when your answer is made-up or overly rehearsed. 

Think about your skills and qualities

When preparing for your interview think about your skills, strengths and qualities that you could bring to the role. Think about how you have applied these in the past and how these could be applied to the role you are applying for. 

When reviewing the job description and person specification make a list of the skills you think the employer is searching for in candidates. 

More Like This: How to answer ‘tell me about your hobbies’ at a job interview

Review previous feedback from managers or colleagues 

A great way to find out how other people would describe you is to review previous feedback. Have a look at your performance reviews or formal feedback and think about what your coworkers have said about your performance and skills. You could also ask your coworkers or manager how they would describe you professionally. 

Think about how you can condense this feedback into a couple of short sentences or examples. 

Give examples

Provide specific examples of how you have applied any of the skills or traits you mention. Backing up your statements with concrete examples will help illustrate these skills or qualities. This can help make your response more credible and memorable.

Example answers 

“My colleagues appreciate my strong communication skills. I strive to ensure everyone is on the same page, actively listen to their perspectives, and provide clear updates to keep everyone informed”

“I believe my co-workers would describe me as dependable and reliable. When I commit to a task or deadline, I make sure to follow through and deliver quality results. My team knows they can count on me.”

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