How to answer ‘how did you hear about this job?’ 


As well as getting to know you and learning about your suitability for the job, employers use interviews to find out why you wish to join the company. To do this they often ask about why you wish to work there, what attracted you to the role and what you know about the company. They may also ask ‘how did you hear about this job?’ 

Why do employers ask this question? 

They genuinely want to know how you found out about the job. Employers post job adverts in many different places including on their websites, careers websites, social media platforms or even in newspapers. All of these cost time and money so they’ll probably want to know which places are most effective.

Asking this question also lets the employer know whether you are genuinely interested in working for them or whether you are simply searching for any job you can get. Even if this is true (which for many people it is) you don’t want to let the employer know this. 

How to answer ‘how did you hear about this job?’

Mention people you know at the company 

If you know someone who already works for the company and they told you about the job, absolutely mention this to the interviewer. Be sure to explain how you know this person and why they thought you would be interested in the role. This person is likely to be asked about you so make sure this person is someone who can say something positive about you. 

Be enthusiastic 

No matter what answer you offer, it is important you show enthusiasm for the role. You need to show the interviewer that you really want to work for them and that you have not just applied because you need a job. 

Be specific 

Explain the exact place you saw the vacancy advertised or who you heard it from. Outline what you were looking for and what made you apply for the job. If you applied online explain which website you looked at and how you found the vacancy i.e did you search for the company especially? If you used a job search website explain what sort of vacancies you were searching for and which keywords you used. 

More Like This: How to use the ‘STAR’ technique to answer a job interview question

Possible answers 

  • A friend of yours already works for the company and they told you about the vacancy 
  • You were searching on the company’s careers page and you saw the vacancy 
  • You were using a job search website to search for specific jobs in this sector/industry
  • The company visited your school/university as part of a careers fair 


“I saw the vacancy advertised on LinkedIn when I was searching for Marketing Officer positions. I read over the advert and I realised that my skills and experience were a close match to what you are looking for”. 

“My friend Anna Jones currently works in your Human Resources department and she told me about the vacancy. Anna and I went to university together and she felt that my skill set makes me an ideal candidate for the position”. 

What not to say 

  • Don’t say you can’t remember or you aren’t sure. Whilst this may seem like a safe option it makes you look disorganised. 
  • Avoid saying anything that is untrue. Don’t say that a friend of yours who works there told you about the job if this isn’t true. 
  • Do not create the impression you are simply applying for any job you see (even if this is true).

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